Best Times to Build With Pro Builders

Best Times to Build With Pro Builders

When it comes to any home improvement project, weather can make all the difference. While a lot of people want their deck or patio done come summer, planning ahead can give you the best experience with a contractor and can help save you money.

The Massachusetts State Building Code is a long series of regulations for building in the state that is regulated by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards and updated regularly (every two years).

Professionals at Best Pro Builders keep up to date on these codes and the details maintained by the BBRS, including what times are best for building so you don’t have to worry about your lumber sitting out in the rain, or a project getting cut short by weather, on top of everything else there is to think about with home improvements.

When it comes to what times are best for building in Boston, Best Pro Builders has got you covered. Building is a multi-step process that starts at the planning stage, so call us to plan your next project at any time of year.

Site Plans & Fee Scheduling

Site PlansIf you are looking to get a patio finished in summer, give us a call in January to help you design your plans and get you on the books so you don’t have to worry about finding an available contractor in the busy season.

What’s more, making sure the materials are available can be difficult if you’re trying to gather them last minute.

The first part of the building process is making sure you have all of your permits, plans, and schedules made and fees paid.

When working with a contractor, the City of Boston requires only a third of the total contract price upfront for the contractor, but all city fees will need to be paid as well. The City of Boston Inspectional Services Department has a fee schedule that includes all of your permit fees.

These include application fees, fees for changes in occupancy or installation fees, electrical, gas, plumbing, sheet metal, demolition, trenches, maintenance and subdivision fees, all of which are billed per thousand square feet, some of which are maintained yearly, and others per quota. They also have fees for appeals, extensions, and off-hours permits.

These fees double if work was started without the necessary permits in place or if the work doesn’t measure up to the original estimated value of its cost.

Having a schedule in place that allows you to cover all the fees and permitting necessary before the job is done is one of the reasons to hire a professional like Best Pro Builders.

For any project requiring, planning at least a few months in advance is always the best bet, so consider that any large remodels or back yard projects will start the planning phases October-January, depending on the scope of the project, while trenching and measurements for back patios may be best done in summer to avoid rain and muddy puddles.

Time of Year & Building Permits

Building PermitsWhen it comes down to it, summer is the best season for outdoor projects or projects that can take a lot of time from most people’s perspective, but sometimes repairs don’t wait for good weather.

Say a pipe bursts in winter or your heating system needs to be replaced, Best Pro Builders can make an inconvenient home repair into a satisfying renovation at any time of year.

We also know that some jobs require round-the-clock commitment.

Any requests for building outside of regular building hours must be obtained by a special permit to work off-hours in the interests of public safety and welfare, according to the City of Boston.

These permits might not seem necessary when we’re talking about time of year, especially since they are somewhat challenging to obtain, but if a tree falls through your roof in a winter storm, it might be necessary to have people work around the clock so you and your loved ones can stay warm.

Off-hours permits can be a hassle to obtain and even harder to maintain if complaints are filed against the homeowners working on their own homes.

Get a Free QuoteCalling Best Pro Builders can help you in cases like these when a professional is needed to do a job right even if the timing isn’t.

We’ll save you money in a pinch and when the neighbor calls about the 7 AM hammering, Best Pro Builders will have all the answers, so you can keep your home working the way you need it to when you need it to.

Give us a call today to get a free quote on your next home improvement project. We’re here for you year-round.

Doesn’t matter if you need help creating and planning a full re-design of your property, are looking into remodeling, or have some other home services need, we can help. We have many professional contractors who offer a wide range of construction services that fit nearly any need or budget. Give us a call, let’s see if we can make those dreams a reality together.