Best Pro Builders On Reputation and Documentation

Best Pro Builders On Reputation & Documentation

Anyone who has dealt with a construction project in their home knows how time-consuming good work can be. Some contractors take advantage of this and offer a quick fix, only for the City of Boston to come in and fine homeowners for code violations later, costing you more time and money in the long run.

At Best Pro Builders, we have all the documentation and licensing required by the City of Boston for reputable contractors so you can feel confident that the time we spend on your home is for quality services that will last.

So what kind of documentation are you looking for in a reputable contractor?

Best Pro Builders spells it out.

Certificate of Registration

Mass.govThe State of Massachusetts requires any contractor working on a 4 (or less) bedroom home to have a Certificate of Registration from an entity called the Massachusetts Home Improvement Contractor Program.

To receive this license, contractors must register with the Secretary of State’s office and have a current copy of a business license that has been filed with the town clerk.

Any changes made to a business’ licensing information must be updated with the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, which regulates any disputes between contractors and homeowners so you can feel safe knowing Best Pro Builders is here for your satisfaction.

The Certificate of Registration must be updated every two years, so when you hire a contractor like Best Pro Builders, you know our services are quality and up to date.


Best Pro Builders maintain what is called a Home Improvement Contractors License, or HIC, and are overseen by a Licensed Construction Supervisor or CSL, required by all reputable contractors in Boston.

Home Improvement Contractors Licenses are renewed every two years and serve to maintain quality and protection for homeowners in the Boston area.

You can check to see if your current contractor is licensed at, to make sure you’re working with a reputable company like Best Pro Builders, who will always prioritize doing it right the first time.

If your current contractor is not licensed, you can fill out a Change of Licensed Builders form and contact one of our professionals at Best Pro Builders to make sure your project is finished the right way.


All reputable contractors will require a contract in writing. At Best Pro Builders, we offer contracts documenting all work, materials, dates, and costs so there are no unwelcome surprises.

Further, any building plans for your project must be notarized by a contractor, so our contract and building plans at Best Pro Builders are all handled in accordance with city guidelines, guaranteeing clear communication and quality, timely work.

Building Permit

Best Pro Builders On Reputation and Documentation

A reputable contractor should never ask the homeowner to put the building permit in his or her own name. Best Pro Builders will always maintain a building permit in our name with our business license number, which is registered with the City of Boston and the State of Massachusetts.

The Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) keeps tabs on all Construction Supervisor Licenses and Massachusetts building codes to make sure that your contractor is working within state regulations, which vary depending on district as well.

While the permits and licensing necessary for a construction project on your home in Boston may seem overwhelming, Best Pro Builders has all the documentation and licensing in place so you can feel confident that your home improvements will be a one-time job that lasts a lifetime.

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Give us a call today to get a free quote on your next home improvement project. We’re here for you!

It doesn’t matter if you need help creating and planning a full re-design of your property, are looking into remodeling, or have some other home services need, we can help. We have many professional contractors who offer a wide range of construction services that fit nearly any need or budget. Let’s see if we can make those dreams a reality together.